2025 Trips Are Filling Quick

This world is full of adventures to be had, and every day is a chance for a new experience. Here at Dinosaur River Expeditions, we have a passion for white water rafting. But, we realize that some people may be afraid to try this type of adventure. Find out what other activities some of our readers dream about but are hesitant to pursue.

Ashley Grader

Ashley Grader

Ashley Grader, Digital Marketing Manager at Best Beaches Near Me.

Underwater Photography

I am an amateur photographer who loves taking pictures of nature while going on hikes. I follow numerous social media accounts, and some of the coolest photos I’ve ever seen have been shot in an underwater setting. These include photos of colorful tropical coral reefs, spooky shipwrecks, and aquatic animals.

The problem is that I am slightly nervous about being in the ocean without solid land nearby because I know that there could be dangerous creatures lurking beneath the waves. I’ve tried snorkeling in the past, and I did not enjoy it because I was afraid that I was about to get stung by a jellyfish, or worse, that a bull shark was closely following me.

I know that there are dry-box style underwater cameras that can be used to take underwater photos without the need to go fully in the water. But for this challenge, I would need to take scuba diving lessons to get the desired pictures. Luckily, I’m not afraid to learn how to go scuba diving – it sounds quite fun to me!

Even though I don’t live near the ocean, I can still take diving lessons at a specialized swimming pool and learn how to use the equipment needed for underwater photography.

I know that my fear of ocean animals that sting and bite is irrational, and learning more about these creatures and the low risk that they pose may help me control my fear and perhaps overcome it.

I’ve been reading a lot of articles about these underwater photography adventures, and I hope that someday I can take a photo of a colorful reef or a manta ray swimming through the water.

Kevin Mercier

Kevin Mercier

Kevin Mercier, Founder at Kevmrc.com.


I have always wanted to experience paragliding. It seems like an activity full of thrill and one that I have been looking forward to for as long as I can remember.

Sadly, my extreme fear of flying has prevented me from pursuing this activity. However, I plan on overcoming this fear, through this peerless aerial sport, on my next trip to Australia.

Ben Lloyd

Ben Lloyd

Ben Lloyd is the co-creator and editor of the Travel Blog Ticket 4 Two Please.


An outdoor activity I would love to try but am somewhat afraid to pursue, is scuba-diving.

The thought of being so far below the surface of the water, surrounded by sea life on their terms, is an equally liberating and nerve-wracking thought.

On the one hand, being so close to animals we rarely get to see outside of nature documentaries would be an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience. It would be fascinating to watch the fish dip and dive between the coral while being so close to them.

Yet there is still a little part of me that thinks, despite how many people regularly dive all over the world, what if something goes wrong while I’m down there? You hear horror stories of people surfacing too quickly or panicking when they are 20m below the surface.

For now, the prospect of me scuba-diving very shortly is slim, but I won’t rule it out entirely.

Julie Dameron

Julie Dameron

Julie Dameron, Owner and Author of Family Trips and Travels.


One outdoor activity that I want to try is skiing, but I have been afraid to pursue it. A few reasons, one being I’m in my mid 30’s now, so I’m afraid it will be too hard to learn at this age. I’m afraid of falling and hurting myself, it can be too cold, and I’m terrified of getting on a chairlift.

Ruiz Asri

Ruiz Asri

Ruiz Asri is the owner and editor of Honest Food Talk.


In recent years, influenced by friends and online influencers, I’ve started getting fascinated by skateboarding. I truly want to give skateboarding a go, but I am somewhat afraid to pursue it. This is mainly due to the physical risks and, consequently, [the work related consequences] that come with skateboarding.

From what I’ve read and seen, skateboarding is quite physically demanding – falling off and hitting the pavement is part and parcel of the activity. For a working adult at the age of 30 who’s just started noticing lower back issues and joint tightness, that’s quite scary!

Though I find the sport cool, I am unsure if injuring myself is worth it. I have to consider the risk of physical injury that may also cause me not to be able to work at full capacity. Being a business owner, I have to weigh those risks, as they may affect my business operations too.

Perhaps that’s why most skateboarders are young children and teens who are more resilient physically and lifestyle-wise.

Scott McKinney

Scott McKinney

Scott McKinney, Head of Marketing at Debt Bombshell.

Rock Climbing

One outdoor activity I’ve been very interested in for a couple of months now has been rock climbing. I love the outdoors, and hiking is something that I often do to de-stress. On those hikes, I usually see people rock climbing, and it has always fascinated and interested me.

However, I have a slight fear of heights, and I worry that the activity would trigger that fear and pull away from my enjoyment of it. This is the main reason why I’m still hesitant to try it, even though it seems like a good way to train myself.

I am doing my best to work on that fear, though, as I plan to take my approach to rock climbing slowly and perhaps start in indoor gyms before moving on to the outdoors.

Patrick Sinclair

Patrick Sinclair

Patrick Sinclair, Founder and Tech Enthusiast at All Home Robotics.


I’d say cycling is a nice outdoor activity I’d like to get into. More specifically, cycling to work instead of public transport. It’d be a nice, refreshing change of pace from the usual routine.

I’m slightly afraid, however, [because of] the number of mishaps I’ve seen occur on the road involving cyclists. Their safety on the road seems to rely heavily on factors around them.

Is there a cycling lane on the road? Are drivers paying as much attention to cyclists as they are to other vehicles? The answers, at least where I commute, don’t seem very encouraging. So you might see why I’m a bit hesitant.

David Bowen

David Bowen

David Bowen is the owner, CEO, and content manager of Bordeaux Undiscovered.


It’s a bit of a cliché bucket list outdoor activity, but I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. I feel like it’s the kind of thing you should do once in your life, and I’ve been slowly hyping myself up for the idea of it.

However, I am terrified. I’m worried that once I’m up there, and it comes to jumping out of the plane, I will completely freeze up and be unable to do so. And I’ve also seen some horror videos, including one in which a woman’s harness became stuck on the plane’s wheel as she jumped, and although the trainer managed to get her out of that situation, it could have resulted in her death.

So yeah, it’s big on my bucket list, but there are still some big worries I need to overcome to take that leap of faith.

Ty Gibson

Ty Gibson

Ty Gibson is a Texas-based attorney and founder of Gibson Hill PC.

Wilderness Camping

The outdoor activity that I want to try but am somewhat afraid to pursue is a wilderness family camping trip.

As in, the ones in which you set destination goals, pack the essentials, and then go on a little weekend adventure, aiming to get there while figuring out the route as you go. Survival-style camping. I’d love to do it with my family, as I think it would be an amazing experience.

However, I’m worried that if anything happens during the trip, I won’t have the right skills or knowledge to provide a solution. I’m not exactly an outdoors person, so I really wouldn’t know what to do in an emergency.

Maybe I just need to do some research, and practice a few skills before I feel confident enough to plan the actual activity.

Arianna Kaminski

Arianna Kaminski

Arianna Kaminski is an author, podcaster, and photographer at Arianna Kaminski.


The outdoor activity I have wanted to try for years is surfing. I am afraid to try it out because I am not the best swimmer. When I was younger, I got stuck in a crowded wave pool and spent a lot of time underwater. The hopeless feeling I felt at that moment has stuck with me.

While I love the ocean and even wanted to pursue Marine Science at one point, my below-average swimming skills are holding me back.

Perhaps, I could try doing swim lessons, but surfing involves more than just being able to swim. It involves being aware of the currents and rock formations underwater and having balance, which I am also lacking (in more ways than one).

Christiaan Huynen

Christiaan Huynen

Christiaan Huynen, CEO & Founder of DesignBro.

Cliff Diving

I have always wanted to try cliff diving, but my fear of heights always gets the best of me. The thrill and scenery appeal to me, and I’ve tried multiple times to schedule a trip. Somehow, I always manage to make an excuse not to push through.

As of now, my excuse is the pandemic. I hope to overcome my fear, and I hope to do it within the next five years.

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