Why Schools Should Include Adventure Sports Activities In Their Curriculum

Sir John Lubbock once stated, “Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” This statement is more true now than ever.  Today’s society has lost this form of education through time and often only relies on a curriculum based in a classroom setting. The lack of these learning adventures is limiting the growth and knowledge that is only experienced through experiences in nature. Many educators are unaware of the numerous benefits that can be attained  through adventure sports activities. Students often are unable to see how the classroom lessons of biology, chemistry and many other topics have to do with the real life outside world. There is no better way to understand a lesson or a topic than using a hands on experience. Outdoor adventures will not only be fun and exciting but will allow an excess of both worlds to come together. The classroom will forever be changed as soon as students are able to see the science come to life. 

Our local high school Uintah High, offers an incredible outdoor recreation program taught by Mr. Hoffart. Hoffart has designed a unique curriculum based on his experiences and time as a student at NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) as a student. Through these prior experiences Mr. Hoffart teaches his students a multitude of skills that will help them pursue their own outdoor adventure sports. Some of the students favorite subjects taught are backpacking, fishing, mountain biking and white water rafting. The white water rafting trip is sponsored by Vernal, Utah’s locally owned and operated Dinosaur River Expeditions. Dinosaur River takes the students and staff on their one day Green River rafting trip. Dinosaur’s philosophy is we need to foster and provide recreational options for the community’s youth, these students need to know and see what is in their backyard. Not only does the course teach specific skills but provides an introduction to preserving open space and leave no trace ethics while exploring the great outdoors. The outdoor recreation class at Uintah High School is only one example of the many opportunities that are available for youth to get outside classroom and learn new and valuable skills.  

Not only are there academic benefits to these adventures, but emotional and social benefits increase tremendously as well. Being able to connect with the outdoor world allows an abundance of stress to be taken away. Studies have shown that most students develop high levels of stress very early in life. With these high levels of stress there are minimal healthy outlets to help relieve themselves. Providing a class in an outdoor setting will teach the students a coping method that can be used not only during school but throughout their lives. The students emotional health increases as stress is taken away as well their self esteem grows throughout the process. Being able to attend these classes allows the student to learn new skills, become more confident in their own abilities, and increase their emotional health and wellbeing as well. The social aspect built upon in these adventures can become life long friendships. Throughout adventuring, there comes times when the answer is not as easy as 2+2 but takes problem solving. Trying new things and working together as a team with their peers starts to help their social abilities flourish. This learned attribute can be used in the workforce later in life as they start working with different coworkers, providing customer service, working through challenging situations that are experienced in the workplace.

One of the most important factors that these adventure sports activity classes will teach students is the importance of the environment. The lack of education on the environment is what causes the problems that the world faces today, such as waste, the lack of preservation, and minimal conservation. Teaching students the magnificence that the world has for them starts with taking care of the environment around them. The list of positives goes on and on for these classes to be added to a regular curriculum. The change needs to be made for future generations to understand the importance of our wild spaces and the need to protect and preserve open space.  

If your child’s school offers an outdoor recreation program take advantage of the incredible doors it will open through a classroom based in nature. If not take a look at programs in your area that may provide the skills to help your child grow in ways the classroom cannot provide.