Guiding in my Hometown

*Who am I?
I am a river lover! My name is Kassie Robbins, I am 38 years old. I am married and
have three young children. My two boys are ages 9 and 7, and my daughter is 4. I have
been a whitewater raft guide since I was about 20 years old. I started guiding in
southern Utah on the Colorado River and the Green River. My first experience with
seeing river guides was on the Green River Gates of Lodore at a very young age, maybe 11. We
were taking a private family river trip down that section of the Green River through the heart of Dinosaur National Monument. The Hatch
River Expeditions crew was camping at Jones Hole. I saw those boats and knew then
that I wanted to become a river guide. Coming from a family of river runners I had no
idea I would land here. I had intentions of making it into the Grand Canyon. However, I
find this place to be as serene and unique as any river I have traversed and that is why I
keep coming back.
*Why I choose to guide here?
I choose Dinosaur National Monument as a place to guide for several reasons. Not only is it one of the best places for white water rafting in Colorado or river rafting in Utah but it is my backyard. One of the biggest reasons of those being that I get to be home regularly with my kiddos. They get to see mom in
action which is really cool. I get to embrace the beauty that surrounds me year-round.
Being able to take advantage of the monument and the rivers flowing through it is such
a huge bonus to my work. Sharing my love for the area is something that is within me. I
grew up rafting these canyons from an early age. We would run through Split Mountain
(the last day of a multi-day for both the Yampa River and Gates of Lodore) camping at the takeout,
sitting around a campfire, laughing and roasting marshmallows and sleeping in a tent I
have fond memories of this place and I seriously love that I get to share it with so many
people, but especially MY little people.
*Why I love working for a locally owned company in my Hometown?
Can we all say the word connection? Relationships are built on connections. I build
relationships on my trips and some of them go on forever. I still connect with some
ladies I took down the river in my first few years of guiding. So, to say that building a
lasting relationship with the owners of Dinosaur River Expeditions is of value to me, is
an understatement. They are like family. They truly care about me, my family, the team
of guides that work for them. I have had many jobs and opportunities to work for
various employers and can honestly say that Jen and Tyler Callantine are literally some
of the best out there. They bring a level of professionalism and empathy to the
workplace. People work hard for people they respect. They have given me a gift of
being able to work part-time in between being a Mom. They understand the importance
of family! I also love the feeling of being able to give back to a small family owned and
operated company.
*What are some of the hidden gems of the area?
Being able to work in and around Vernal, UT, I have learned about many of the neat
places that exist. Some of the cool places to see are actually outside of the monument.
Being able to explore the area throughout the last 15 years and to find out I still have
more to see. It seems that if you are looking you can find a Gem just about anywhere if
you are willing to explore. Whether you like fishing, camping, hiking, sightseeing or
anything else that requires you to get outside, this place has a lot to offer an avid outdoors person. When you take the opportunity to come run a river trip with me and
the crew, we would love to share some of these places with you.