Protect your Skin: Shining Light on River Guide Wisdom

Nothing can ruin your dream vacation like a bad sunburn.  Not to mention the long-term effects associated with that kind of skin damage.  If you are going on a river trip, then you will be exposed to the elements for anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks so you should plan accordingly.  Your river guides spend all summer being bombarded by solar radiation, so if you should need advice or an example of how to deal with the elements look no further. Having guided the rivers here in Dinosaur National Monument and the local Vernal, Utah area for many years I have gained some valuable insight into sun protection when out in the elements adventuring on these amazing white water rivers.

The iconic image of a river guide may be a bronzed scantily clad emissary of the sun, and it is true that with so much exposure to the sun you will inevitably brown and get some nice tan lines, but I for one am vigilant with applying and reapplying sunscreen.  I use stronger stuff, usually SPF 30 at least.  Look for the multi spectrum coverage, preferably non-greasy and water resistant.  Since its going on my precious skin I also try to go for natural ingredients and therefor end up spending a little more for what I want, but I’m worth it. Goodhouse Keeping put together a great list of the 11 best natural sunscreens for 2019 take a look at their top choices. Besides nice sunscreen I like to use lip balm with an SPF rating as well.  I keep it close and use it a lot. 

Your vestments are your most reliable protection from the sun.  This is your armor.  I like to wear long sleeves, with a collar I can pop up to keep the sun off my neck, and to look good.  This is a business casual ensemble however, with swim shorts and sandals being the lower half.  Just remember to lotion up the bare legs and feet.  Pants made from quick drying fabrics provide a nice break from the sun, when it’s not too hot.  I have also been known to wear leggings for the same purpose.  Fashion and function.  A sarong is another great clothing option for covering the legs and it can double as a beach blanket, light sheet or a warming layer when it cools down a little bit. Our friends at North West River supply have a great collection of river guide approved clothing for sun protection. 

For the love of your face, don’t forget to take a hat.  Maybe take two or three.  You don’t want to be without a hat, and it is a real bummer to lose your only one to the river.  I like to wear a big straw hat most of the time.  Its full wide brim protects more angles covering my face and neck. Tula Hats make some great wide brimmed sun hats in many styles, they are also tough I have worn my almost daily for several summer now. Besides my Huck Finn topper I also take a baseball cap or two.  You must remember that the sun is also hitting you from below as it reflects off the water, so I might also wear a buff or bandana around my neck pulled over my ears.  Another great tool to have in your box is to have a sun hoodie.  They provide great coverage, work well with ball caps, and they look and feel good. 

Now that our skin is covered let’s not forget to shade the all-important windows.  Sunglasses are crucial to your protected persona.  The list of benefits is long.  They make you look good, they cut down on glare making it easier to see the beautiful landscape that you find yourself in, they reduce eye fatigue and the chance of headaches and they decrease your risk for future vision and eye health issues.  Did I mention they make you look good?  The best part is that you don’t necessarily have to break the bank on nice shades as you can find good polarized lenses almost anywhere.  This is also good because sunglasses are another item that you may want to plan for redundancies, lest you lose or break your first pair. 

Now if you have taken this advice you should be doing well, but there are a couple of other tricks to give you an edge in minimizing your solar exposure.  Seek shade when possible.  Lounge under a tree or prepare lunch beneath an overhung cliff.  If space allows then bring a beach umbrella or a shade canopy.  You could always hide in your tent at a layover camp but in the summer, this could be a place of stifling heat.  Instead, carry in your kit a small sheet or piece of cloth that you can cover up with and wet when it is hot this is where that sarong comes in handy.   

Your skin is precious.  It does well to protect you from threats to your health and comfort, but it needs your help.  You must do your part to take care of it and it will continue to take care of you.  You’ll be able to enjoy your dream vacation down the river without the discomfort of a sun burn and you’ll be able to enjoy the peace of mind that your long-term health will see you through many more adventures down the river and around the sun.

We look forward to seeing you on the river.  

Nature Inspires Creativity

Rhythm of the Wild

There’s a debate among linguists and musicians as to which came first: language or music. Without a time machine, it’s a hard problem to solve. But I side with the musicians. Any given day has a rhythm. To hear the music all you need to do is step outside. It is no wonder then that some of our best creative thinking comes from being outside. Often times this creativity blossoms on rafting trip, backpacking adventure, car camping in the southern Utah desert or a neighborhood evening walk.

The day has multiple rhythms, and the year has its own as well, they’re called seasons. But the rhythm I’m talking about has a decidedly musical quality. Birds call it out in the cool morning of day. Insect cries fill the heady heat of the afternoon. Crickets serenade the evening, and owls add their cry. In some places, the calls of animals are so consistent you can set your watch to them. See what I mean by rhythm?

It makes perfect sense then that before we could communicate a complex thought we could recognize the music of our world and riff on it. Of course this is all conjecture. But what’s more than conjecture is how beneficial getting outside is to creative thinking. Our cognitive ability is boosted in manifold ways when we get outside. In the most general sense, we get away from the noise of cities – the traffic, construction, and technological trappings. Once away from these distractions our minds can relax. As we relax we can notice the patterns around us; the fractal nature of leaves, the murmur of running water, how colors change in the Fall. To take it a step further (literally) taking a hike gets our blood circulating, stimulating our minds as well as our muscles. Indeed, studies have shown the benefits of cognizance that exercise has. It’s no wonder then that skiing, riding, or walking in the backcountry clear the mind. Not only that, but having an activity allows us to focus, on the thing we’re doing specifically, which is an important distinction than the many tasks that vie for our attention at home or in the office. Shedding distractions and focusing on one thing is good brain training, and can carry over to the problem solving practices we use in our everyday lives.

Our friends at the Freeflow Institute organize incredible multi-day rafting trips where like minded writers converge and build off of each other in a magnificent outdoor setting. Freeflow Institute is just one of many organized opportunities to get outside and build upon your artistic processes. It is fun to  seek out friends or a group that shares similar interests for your outdoor creative ventures. 

Looking for a great way to journal your outdoor creative experiences the great folks at REI have shared an excellent video on making your own journal. https://www.rei.com/blog/social/diy-how-to-make-an-adventure-journal

So I encourage you to get outside. And if you can get out for a long day. Are there some trees turning colors earlier than others? Take note of what you see: what kind of plant is growing by the creek? How do you imagine it’s different than others that grow further up the bank? Get out there. See if you can hear the rhythm. 


Have you ever had that moment of panic when you can’t feel your phone in your pocket, or can’t find it in your purse? Our devices have become ubiquitous. Odds are you’re reading this on some device or other. We can check our bank statements. We can reach our loved ones from almost anywhere, not only hear their voices but see their faces; our kids off at college, or our parents living in the next state over. These things have made our lives much easier and our world much smaller. There is the ever constant news stream, which has become increasingly more difficult to parse through. There are the photos and videos from friends and influence’s. There are the work emails that can now be received from almost anywhere.

Yes, good or ill, our devices are here to stay. But, if you’re reading this, (and you have made it this far), you’ve probably found they can be a distraction, detrimental even. In fact, we’re beginning to find that as we increasingly interface with our world through a screen, we’re not practicing some crucial skills. We’re less empathetic, and less willing to try and understand things from viewpoints that differ from our own. It seems a little gloomy. How do we get back to real human interaction? How do we escape work emails, the stream of social media, and the constant news feed? We can get outside.

Though our devices may be ubiquitous, WiFi and cell phone service are not. Get far enough off the beaten path, and your place of work can’t find you to ask if you’ve finished those reports or met with the accounting department. In the backcountry the space you move through is now larger than life, even though it’s such a small slice of the world. It’s now infinitely bigger than it could have been on your favorite social media site.

The benefits of getting away from our devices and getting outside become even more apparent when we do it with our friends and family. When going into the wilderness on a backcountry river rafting trip preparedness is key. Good preparation is incumbent on good communication. Therein is where real human interaction takes place. When making a plan with one another we are practicing those crucial social skills that make us more empathetic and better able to view the world from multiple viewpoints. It seems mundane in practice, but it’s importance and benefits are widespread. Especially for the developing minds of our children. How does it work? Pretty simple actually. When we discuss a plan, whether it be as simple as a day hike or as complex as a Utah or Colorado multi day river rafting adventure, we each approach what we expect to do differently. Only once there is agreement on a plan do we enact it. And until that point is reached, the discussion of options forces us to look at the plan from the perspective of our companions. We’re practicing our social skills, failing and succeeding together in real time.

Obviously you don’t have to get into the backcountry to do these things. But getting outside happens to be a great place to facilitate these things, as it presents unique challenges, has spotty service and no wifi. So grab your friends and family, ditch those electronic devices and have that human experience in a beautiful place. A multi day river rafting adventure on the Yampa River or Green River Gates of Lodore through Dinosaur National Monument is a perfect place to disconnect from that electronic world and reconnect with your family and friends.

Leave No Trace

When you join Dinosaur River Expeditions on a white water rafting trip whether it is on the Green River Gates of Lodore or the Yampa River through Dinosaur National Monument a common phrase you will hear from the guides is “Take only pictures, leave only footprints.” As we travel these incredible rivers we practice and teach the ethics of “Leave No Trace” camping and backcountry travel. How many people do you think visit the nations backcountry?

Big question obviously, so let’s set some parameters. We will start with Arches National Park. Arches attracts just over one million visitors a year. As you can imagine, most of that traffic is during the summer. But, perhaps Arches isn’t the epitome of backcountry travel. I’m not sure about you, but when I go into the back country I want to get away from the trappings and crowds of society. What about Yellowstone National Park? The park reported over 500,000 visitors in 2018. Again, most of that traffic is during summer months, when the weather isn’t as inclement. That is still a huge volume of people. Maybe you’re thinking, in order to leave the crowds behind, some of the park rules have to be bent. Please, for the sake of fellow backcountry travelers, and even more so for the environment, follow park rules and the guidelines put together by Leave No Trace Center For Outdoor Ethics.

Here’s why, you are not unique in thinking of leaving designated trails, taking souvenirs – say a collection of wildflowers or an artifact – and generally treating the park as a no-holds-barred playground. If the thousands of visitors to our backcountry recreation areas were to do that, they would be nowhere near the pristine and idyllic places they are. For those that are skeptical of this diagnosis, here’s an example of when rules aren’t followed.

March 19th 2019. 50,000 self stick wielding tourists descended on a California town: population 60,000. Tourists and social media influences, in their desperate attempts to get the best pictures with the poppies, ended up trampling swaths of them. They climbed steep canyon walls never meant to be climbed, sending boulders and debris down upon the crowds below. Specifically for blooms like these, this is not an isolated incident. It’s a part of the social media curse, which is a double edged sword, and a topic for another time.

Let’s bring this subject closer to home. What about our arid landscape, where it can seem scarcely anything grows? Though it may seem counter-intuitive, staying on designated trails is more important than ever. Because the desert is sparse with vegetation, we are more prone to soil erosion. Furthermore, many areas of the desert harbor cryptobiotic soil, a delicate, black, slow growing cyanobacteria that is crucial to the ecosystem and helps prevent soil erosion. If stepped on, it is destroyed and won’t grow back in full for generations. So, as you can imagine, if Disneyland sized crowds were to walk wherever they want, the effects could be devastating for the local environment.

To help give us some guidelines for wilderness and backcountry travel the Leave No Trace organization has provided 7 principles to aid people in their pursuit of outdoor recreation and protecting our nation’s resources. https://lnt.org/why/7-principles/

The 7 principles are – Plan Ahead and Prepare; Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces; Dispose of Waste Properly; Leave What You Find; Minimize Campfire Impacts; Respect Wildlife and Be Considerate of Others. As we travel on the wilderness rivers of Utah and Colorado such as the Green River Gates of Lodore and the Yampa River we follow and truly believe in these practices. We want these wild places to be preserved for generations to come.

To beat a dead horse, park rules and regulations are put in place for a reason. Sure, your apple core and orange slices will eventually biodegrade. But in areas as heavily trafficked as some of our parks, these items will form midden heaps if not disposed of properly. And in addition to being unsightly, this trash attracts wildlife that then come to see you and I as slow moving snacks. So be considerate, to the employees of parks, fellow backcountry travelers, and the environment. Know before you go, and keep the places as pristine as the way you found them. We look forward to crossing paths on an incredible backcountry adventure with you one day.

Utah Adventure’s

Utah boasts the greatest snow on Earth, home to incredible national parks, amazing hiking, mountain biking and river rafting. For skiers the powder snow is light and airy, and the mountains have available terrain for skiers of all ability levels. Indeed, there’s good reason the winter games came to our humble little capital in 2002. Salt Lake City – or Small Lake City, as some call it – is within a 30 to 45 minute drive of eight mountain resorts, including Park City, Snowbasin which hosted the men and women’s downhill, and the famous (or infamous) Snowbird and Alta (skiers only). And it’s no secret. During the winter holidays rental shops and hotels are inundated with travelers from all over the county, even the world. But, in this writer’s opinion, they are missing some of the best Utah has to offer.

Something magical happens come March’s end. Slowly but surely the temperature begins to rise, and all that wonderful snow becomes something the desert West needs so desperately. Water. As spring progresses the snow recedes, a color change to give autumn a run for its money occurs. The foothills and mountains bloom into yellows, purples, and greens. In the lowlands incredible flowers start to bloom. The red Indian paintbrush makes an appearance alongside claret cup cactus and the state flower the brilliant white Sego lily making for a spectacular wildflower show. Starting in May before the heat takes hold, checkout Arches and Zion national parks. The smooth rock makes for easy hiking and incredibly mountain biking.

By June most of the mountain trails are dry. Grab a pair of hiking boots and a water bottle and you can easily enjoy the stunning vistas along the Wasatch. Around Salt Lake, there is easy access to any number of trails of differing difficulty. The Bonneville Shoreline trail – so named as it is the ancient shoreline of a great inland sea – is a mellow and planar trail that spans a great distance. As the summer heats up in July and August, head into the Uintas. Speckled with lakes and covered in pines, its a wonderful place to escape the heat. The lakes and creeks support trout, and the surrounding woodland are home to deer, elk, and moose.

The tried and true best way to beat the heat of summer is to grab a paddle and get wet. While your’e in the Uinta mountains, check out Dutch John, Utah and the Green River. Starting just below the Flaming Gorge dam is a gorgeous section of the Green River. This seven-mile section is perfect for the avid fisherman and those wanting to enjoy a scenic one day float trip. Those with a bigger adventure in mind should continue downstream to Lodore Canyon on the Green River through Dinosaur National Monument. Typically undertaken as a four day trip, this section is chock full of side hikes, beautiful sand beaches, and terrific whitewater. For a similar must do adventure, one should take the five day trip down Colorado’s Yampa River also flowing through Dinosaur National Monument. This beautiful sandstone canyon houses the last un-dammed tributary of the Colorado and Green river systems. Here you can see traces of the ancient peoples that once called this place home. There is abundant rock art, and sites that are still home to ancient granaries. As always there is stupendous white water. You’ll get wet, but you won’t get scared.

Whether you are looking for a quick weekend getaway for world class snow skiing or looking for a longer adventure Utah has something for everyone. Try a fully guided Colorado or Utah white water river rafting adventure today.

History of Warm Springs Rapid

Einstein discovered that water on a perfectly flat plane won’t trickle in a straight line, but rather snake its way down in a series of S turns. It’s something I always tell guests as you come into the goose necks on the Yampa River as we float through the heart of Dinosaur National Monument. For the next 20 miles until the confluence with the Green River, the Yampa is mostly flat water. As you wind your way downstream the water becomes tranquil. It’s an easy float under the grand overhangs the river has carved into the sandstone. It’s a peaceful change from the whitewater of Teepee rapid and Big Joe. The slow water gives way to flood plains like Laddies Park and Mantle’s Cave. These self same spits of tillable land played host to archaic peoples, Utes, pioneers, outlaws and boatman. The river here was easy to divert for irrigation; warm and calmer still in summer months. You may find yourself thinking – looking out at the calm clay water slipping by – that it’s truly smooth sailing through calm seas. Why then do the boatman seem tense? It must be that the canyon closes in once more, reasserting its undeniable presence. That must be it. Eventually though, the flat water is a sign of something else. It is the calm before the storm. A storm that has its roots in the summer of 1965.

On June 10, 1965 a storm that can aptly be described as biblical built in the northern sky. It ballooned over Starvation Canyon which empties into Warm Springs draw. The storm spilled its considerable guts on the draw. George Wendt, camped at Warm Springs on that day, took shelter in an outhouse as the earth around him turned into a raging slime, laden with boulders and the broken bones of trees. The storm moved 33 million pounds of debris into the Yampa river, damming it. When the river broke through, Warm Springs, once a minor wave train, was now one of the biggest pieces of white water in the West. At the time of its formation, Al Holland and Les Oldham were upstream guiding a group of boy scouts down river. Coming from Mantle cave, the river was even stiller than it is today. Les had taken off his life vest, for he knew the river well, and knew it was calm water until the confluence and Whirlpool canyon. But the lack of current must have seemed odd to someone who knew it so well. Les was sitting on his vest as they came to Warm Springs. Sadly, it would be his undoing. He was thrown overboard in the now turbulent rapid. Holland saw the passengers safely through but couldn’t find Les in the tumultuous water. His body was recovered 17 days later. News quickly went out to boaters, on and off the river, of the new rapid and the danger it presented. By the next year, the young rapid had shifted once again, this time into something far more manageable.

Warm Springs remains a major rapid today one of Colorado white water raftings top drops. However, the rapid that Al Holland encountered in the summer of 1965 has matured over the past 50 years. In that time, rocks from the cliff face on river left have fallen in and settled in various places within the rapid. While the rapid still has features capable of overturning boats, by now boatmen know the line through. Each summer hundreds of boaters successfully navigate this rapid. And for good reason. The Yampa River through Dinosaur National Monument has so much to offer. It is the last undammed tributary of the Green River and Colorado river systems. It is a crucial link to the ecological health of the native species that call these water ways home. The river and its canyons have sustained hunter-gatherers over 8,000 years. And, of course, the Yampa offers thrill seekers adventures on and off the water.